Get access to proven strategies, courses, tools, and personal support to empower every aspect of your life — for less than the price of your daily coffee ☕️

Membership Rating: 4.9/5


Get access to proven strategies, courses, tools, and personal support to empower every aspect of your life — for less than the price of your daily coffee ☕️

Membership Rating: 4.9/5

If you're not getting paid lucratively to do what you love online... you're 10 years behind.

It's time to step into 2024.
Imagine this,

You wake up, no alarm.

It's a Tuesday morning.

A quick glance at your phone reveals 2 things:

1) Money has poured in over night 💵 - more than you ever need - via sales of your digital product range.

2) Your calendar is empty 🗓️

Now you get to choose:

✅ Boat to breakfast?
✅ Watch the sun rise?
✅ Sleep in?
✅ Spend time with the kids?
✅ Boozy brunch?

What's your move?

Firstly, yes. This lifestyle is absolutely possible, and you could have it sooner than you think (we've been doing it 13 years)

Secondly, this level of freedom is what you want, right?

Disagree? Try this instead

Still here?


This is the brief story of School of Mastery... including what we do and how we can potentially help you.

The key points:

✅ It's an online school
✅ Membership is $100/m AUD
✅ The curriculum is extremely comprehensive
✅ It has courses for all levels (beginner to advanced)
✅ Our members have already made over $31M from our lessons

Here's a success story:

Colin used his $100/m membership to make over $2 million from building a digital product range with the SOM tools 👇
To achieve this, we helped Colin:

1) Find his purpose (which is a unique expression of his highest values)

2) Build a personal brand (around his highest values)

3) Craft an irresistible offer (that was too good to refuse)

4) Launch a 4 Product Empire (to get paid for doing what he loves)

The outcome? 

He's been able to serve over 1,600 dream clients and make a small fortune ($2,000,000) in just a short period of time.

Most importantly,

Everything Colin did is taught inside School of Mastery, step-by-step.

Our member Cyril just received his third "2 comma club award" 👇
These are like The Oscars for online business...

👆 He's got 3 of them now!

That means he's made over $3,000,000 USD+

In Cyril's own words,
"These 3 awards have a direct correlation to me joining School of Mastery"

These are some of our most successful members (and we're damn proud of them!)

But for every "award winning" member in SOM...

We also teach hundreds of beginners & first-timers as well.

And we've gotten pretty good at helping them make their first $1 online.

For example:

Tomas was brand new to online business.

He launched his first product and just made his first online sale! 👇
Fun fact: 

In SOM we call online sales "ding dings" 🛎️ ... because your phone goes "ding" when money comes in.

(You'll find that it becomes one of the most beautiful sounds in the world!)


The point is...
Our members have made more than $31,344,512 by following our strategies.
To put it bluntly,

Our members have had a lot of ding dings 🛎️

Specifically, they've made over $31,344,512 that we know about (but probably more)

The crazy part about that is:

1️⃣ Our community is super small & close knit (we don't run ads)


2️⃣ Making money is only 1 of our 4 pillars

That's right,

Despite all the mega success stories like John 👇 who's made over $4.4 million online... making money isn't even our primary focus.
By the way, John also made his millions 👆 with a "4 Product Empire", which is an online business model we teach inside SOM. (4PE's are insane if you want to make money online)


As I was saying...

Making money is just 1 of the 4 pillars in SOM.

Our 4 pillars are:
🙏 Find purpose
🧠 Conquer mind
💵 Make money
🏝️ Live well
In other words, 
It's not just about the money!
Money is super important, don't get me wrong.


We teach a very unique way of making money.

Our philosophy is that making money is actually the side effect of:

1) Finding your purpose

2) Conquering fear, doubt, unworthiness, scatter & imposter syndrome


3) Becoming genuinely more valuable to others (and packaging it)

That's it.

Find your purpose, conquer your mind, become more valuable, and you'll make more money than you can even imagine.

This unique "top down" approach is exactly how we pump out so many success stories from School of Mastery.

This. Approach. Works.
👆 Andrew did $7,957 within 2 weeks. Not too bad?

My question to you is...
What's holding you back?
In the lucrative internet age, what's actually stopping you from getting paid handsomely to do what you love?

I'll bet you $100 that it's 1 or more of "THE 7 HURDLES"...
⚠️ Hurdle 1) You haven't found your "thing" yet

You lack purpose & direction. You’re without a mission. You’re floundering & treading water, surviving just fine (but not thriving). You feel unfulfilled by your current work and/or contribution to humanity.

⚠️ Hurdle 2) You can't find the "right" business model

You haven't had the "ah ha" moment yet... that moment where the penny drops and you know - with certainty - the business model for you.

Or worse, you suffer from shiny ball syndrome - jumping from one idea to the next, never satisfied and not giving anything the time & commitment it needs to flourish.

⚠️ Hurdle 3) You don’t think you “know enough” to monetise the skills you've already learned

(Even though thousands of people would pay you a fair price to know what you knew)

Example skills: Fitness, weight loss, personal development, relationships, bass guitar, parenthood, cooking, fashion, beauty, spreadsheets, AI automation, marketing, funnels, design, video editing, content, writing, finance, investing, nutrition, the creative arts etc.

⚠️ Hurdle 4) You literally don’t know "how" to build a high-profit online business

You don’t know the best products to build, what to charge, how to sell them, what software to use, how to drive traffic, how to build a brand, how to make (properly good) content, how to get fans, or how to turn a fat profit from day 1 without loans or investors.

⚠️ Hurdle 5) You’re stuck on the personal development hamster wheel

You're constantly buying books, courses, seminars & coaching programs that make you “feel” productive, yet you still haven’t produced much, and you're not making the progress you want.

⚠️ Hurdle 6) Your circle is holding you back

Your friends, family & colleagues are not on the same path as you. They either don't have big goals, or they've given up on them already. Part of them wants you to give up, too. They're all-in on a life of mediocrity (and  yes, it will rub off if you don't find a new circle)

⚠️ Hurdle 7) You give too many f#cks

You habitually compare yourself to others. You worry about what others will think or say if you did X or Y. You look up to too many people (and put yourself down in comparison). You're paralysed by the imagined embarassment you'd feel from a public failure or setback.
If one or more of these hurdles 👆 describes your situation right now...


If you're ready to take action, overcome them and become our next big success story...

Then keep reading.

Because this may just be the most important page you've ever landed on.
Find Purpose, Make Money, Conquer Mind & Live Well
Introducing: The School of Mastery Membership 👇
Get ALL THIS instantly 👇
👆 Our member Frank just turned $1k ad spend into $12.5k in deposits alone. (His purpose is to be a prolific artist. He sells incredible artwork & murals)
👆 Our member Anna has stabilised at $50-60k months in her coaching business. (Her purpose is to empower other women in business & life)
Copy the same strategy that Frank & Anna used 👇
What you'll get as a member
When you join the School of Mastery Membership...

You'll get 4 things:

1) The Masterclasses
2) The Community
3) The Live Huddles
4) The Toolkit

You might use all 4 things... 

Or you might just pick and choose what you need!

Either ways,

Even if you just use one thing

at the (ridiculously low) price we charge, it'll be worth it.

Let me briefly explain the 4 things you'll get...
Thing #1:
The Masterclasses
Think of it like Netflix, but for self-mastery.

Inside, there's:

✅ Over 130+ individual classes
✅ Over 50+ hours of concentrated knowledge
✅ Includes tools, downloads & worksheets
Plus, a new class is added every week.
👇 Watch these classes to make more money:
✅ Master Your Income (Full course)
✅ Advanced Online Business Strategy
✅ Modern Marketing Mechanics
✅ Copywriting & Sales Page Mastery
✅ Lead Magnet Masterclass
✅ New Rich Careers
✅ The Subscription Masterclass
✅ 3 Bucket Business Strategy
✅ The 4 Product Empire
✅ The One Person Business
✅ Education Empire
✅ Blue Ocean Offers
✅ Affiliate Marketing Mastery
✅ $10K Rapid
✅ Money Master Keys
✅ Secrets of The Millionaire Mind
✅ Email Domination
✅ Productivity Playbook
✅ The 60 Minute Business Degree
✅ Prolific Process Workshop
✅ Paid Content Mastery
✅ Framework Mastery
✅ Traffic Secrets

(You can watch all of these instantly inside School of Mastery)
👇 Watch these classes to build real wealth:
✅ Master Your Wealth (Full course)
✅ How To Build A Wealth Machine
✅ The Timeless Investment Strategy
✅ The Timeless Investment Strategy (Advanced)
✅ Financial Independence 101
✅ Stock Picking Masterclass
✅ 8 Uncommon Keys To Building Wealth
✅ The Billionaire Within
✅ Truth & Lies of Trading & Investing
✅ Buy, Rent, Borrow
✅ Personal Finance Mastery
✅ Personal Wealth Map (Tool)

(You can watch all of these instantly inside School of Mastery)
👇 Watch these classes to master every area of life:
✅ Master Your Relationships
✅ Master Your Mind
✅ Master Your Brand
✅ Master Your Time
✅ Master Your Speaking
✅ Master Your Memory
✅ Master Your Lifestyle
✅ Master Your Content
✅ Master Your Networking
✅ Master Your Self Worth
✅ Master Your Addictions

(You can watch all of these instantly inside School of Mastery)
On the inside, it looks like this:
More importantly, 

Do the Masterclasses actually work?

Just ask Mitchell...
Thing #2:
The Community
Our community will help you succeed in business, mind & life.

Inside, there's: 

Over 900+ masters from 69 countries
The right cirlce, all on the same path as you
✅ Weekly online catch-ups
In person events around the world
Thing #3:
The Live Weekly Huddles
A new class every week in 2024!

Every Wednesday night at 7PM we host a members-only zoom call.

Every week, you can tune in and:

Get ideas, inspiration & stay on track
Ask questions in real-time
Get instant feedback & guidance from Lewis

Members love the live huddles (and you will too) 👇
Thing #4:
The Masters Toolkit
The Masters Toolkit has everything you need to track, manage & master the most important areas of your life.

Inside, you'll get:
💎 Dream Lifestyle Calculator
🎯 Business Target Calculator
🧭 Goal Tracking Dashboard
🙏 The Purpose Process 2.0
💵 Personal Wealth Map 3.0
📈 Financial Independence Calculator 2.0
🔑 The Quit Job Calculator
✂️ The Expense Optimiser
📊 Market Mean Calculator 2.0
📏 Investment vs. Speculation Calculator
🔮 Magic Formula Stock Analysis Tool
🏗️ The Prolific Product Builder
👨‍🏫 The Coaching Program Builder
🔄 The Subscription Builder
🤑 Create Seductive Offers (SINBO 2.0)
🛒 SOM Click Funnels Template Kit
🎁 SOM Photoshop Template Kit
🤝 The Dream 100 Tool
🎥 30,000 Content Ideas Tool
🎥 Quality Content Planner 2.0
❤️ Couples Fair Exchange Tool
🏡 Buy vs. Rent Calculator
😰 The Fear Process
🧠 Memorise Names (Cheat Sheet)
🧠 Memorise Numbers (Cheat Sheet)
😍 The Inspired Life Process
The tools look like this...
Just in case you scanned over it before...

You get ALL 4 THINGS inside School of Mastery:

1) The Masterclasses
2) The Community
3) The Live Huddles
4) The Toolkit

Everything's included, for the one (ridiculously) low price.

And it really is a ridiculous price.

I often consider turning SOM into a $50,000 a year high ticket program for a small handful of clients... 🤔

Some of our members genuinely wonder why we we're not doing that already👇
So anyway,

If you're still here, it's probably about time I introduce myself...



Lewis Mocker

(Founder of School of Mastery)

I’m Lewis 👋

... and I build stuff to help people master their lives.

I’m the guy you come to if you wanna get paid lucratively to do what you love.

I can help you clarify your purpose, grow an authentic brand, create raving fans, build products, invest wisely, overcome fear, and design your dream lifestyle.

My online business journey began 20 years ago... Highschool, 2003.

At the time I was making around $2,000 a week selling electronics that I imported from DHGate, and sold on eBay. 

Back then, $2K a week was a decent income (ahh, the good old days)

Since then, I've been blessed to make over $20M+ online across 7 separate niches, while rarely getting out of my pyjamas.

More importantly,

Since I launched School of Mastery with my wife in 2018, we've helped our small group of members make over $31 million themselves.

What’s even better, we did that with:

No “hustle & grind” culture
No “get rich quick” gimmicks, and 
No pushy marketing strategies

Just grounded modern business strategies that work.

We built the School of Mastery Membership with the goal to provide everything you need to succeed, all for less than the price of a daily coffee ☕️

And it's working!

Our member Nick just did his first $20k month 👇

Join 900+ Members Inside School of Mastery

Here's a challenge for you:

Dedicate at least 1 hour a week to School of Mastery, and you will not fail.

✅ Watch the Masterclasses
✅ Interact in the Community
✅ Attend the Live Huddles
✅ Use the Tools

... for at least 1 hour a week.

That's the bare minimum we ask.

Truth is, 

If you can't muster up at least 1-2 hours a day to improve yourself and grow your business...

Don't join.

We're a close-knit group dedicated to living a meaningful life with work that inspires us.

If you don't have a similar vision, this school is not for you.

If you're ready to begin, 

Click "Join School of Mastery" anywhere on this page, and follow the instructions carefully.


Let's get to what you really want to know...

Here's The (Ridiculously Low) Price We Charge...

Are you ready for this?

❌ It's not $50,000/year
❌ It's not $2,000/month
❌ It's not $1,997
❌ It's not $997
❌ It's not even $497...

It's... Drumroll please...

✅ $100 AUD

$100 Australian Dollars a month...

That's about $64 USD.

And yes, that includes taxes.

My pricing promise: 

We will never increase the price you pay, once you've joined...

So before I change my mind and 20X the price... be smart & lock in your membership today for just $100 AUD 👇

What You DON'T Have To Pay For:

A course library with a $31M+ track record:

A new class every week:
Live Q&A and group coaching:
1 on 1 support & answers from Lewis:

20+ tool & app subscriptions:

Total Value After 1 Year:


Current price: $100/m

My ZERO Risk Guarantee

Another online subscription..."

It's kinda like,

Part of you knows this is a damn good opportunity.

You want the results. You're hungry. You're ready!

But another part of you feels resistant to joining "another" subscription.

So let me remove 100% of your risk.


Here's my guarantee:

✅ Click "Join" and get a membership (It's only $100 AUD)

✅ After 30 days... if you're not fully convinced that School of Mastery is the #1 most valuable personal & business development program you've ever joined?

✅ We'll give you a full refund. (No questions asked)

In other words...

Go all out for a month. 

Take some courses, download our tools, get into the group, chat with Lewis, attend some live huddles... 

And if... 

❌ It's just not for you
❌ You realise you're not ready yet
❌ You can't clearly see how it will work in your unique case
❌ It's not the #1 most valuable personal development program you've ever joined

Then let us know.

We'll refund your first month, shake hands and part ways for good.

You have nothing to lose*

*except for a few hours exploring proven strategies with a $31M+ track record.

Sound fair?
Your journey begins here.
7 Day FREE Trial
📺 Try Your First 2 x Courses - FREE
🤝 The Community
🔴 The Weekly Huddles
💻 The Masters Toolkit
Includes: The Masters Orientation Program
Includes: The Purpose Process 2.0
Cancel Any Time
Billed monthly in AUD
📺 The Masterclasses
🤝 The Community
🔴 The Weekly Huddles
💻 The Masters Toolkit
Priced in Australian Dollars
100% Money Back Guarantee
Cancel Any Time
Billed monthly in AUD
📺 The Masterclasses
🤝 The Community
🔴 The Weekly Huddles
💻 The Masters Toolkit
Priced in Australian Dollars
100% Money Back Guarantee
Cancel Any Time
Click "Join Now" 👆 and get started in 3 simple steps:
Step 1: Join for $100 AUD
Step 2: Confirm membership
Step 3: Start learning
✏️ Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't have a good business idea yet. Should I still join?

Yes. School of Mastery is perfect in that case!

Our Purpose Process will help you carve out a truly unique path around your areas of skill, interest, hobby or passion.

Then we'll show you how to build a lean & profitable online business around it.

What type of online business will I learn to build?

It depends.

The optimal business model is different for every member.

Rather than trying to fit you into a box, we'll actually show you how to find your optimal business model based on:

✅ Your skills
✅ Your niche
✅ Your existing clients & followers
✅ Your personal preference

You'll quickly learn how the principles of making money online are universal, regardless of if you're in:

✅ Apps & software
✅ Affiliate marketing
✅ Physical products & ecommerce
✅ Exclusive paid content
✅ Subscriptions & memberships
✅ Lean tools, templates & downloads
✅ Coaching & consulting
✅ Agency services
✅ Online courses
✅ Certifications & qualifications
✅ Live webinars, challenges & bootcamps
✅ Live seminars, events & experiences

What if I'm already doing another course, program or mentorship?

Your School of Mastery Membership will perfectly compliment any business venture, mentorship program, formal degree, online course or personal development regime you are undertaking. 

However, be warned that most people usually end up leaving their other programs to focus exclusively on the School of Mastery strategies.

How much time do I need to commit to this?

Since all your classes are online, you can take as long as you need! As with all things, greater commitment yields greater results. We recommend at least 1 hour a week.

Do I need to be making a lot of money to join?

No. Making a lot of money is the outcome of joining School of Mastery, not a pre-requisite.

Most of our members first join while still working a regular job, or in the early stages of building a business & growing wealth.

I already watch Lewis on Instagram, YouTube & Tik Tok... What's the difference?

Lewis shares less than 1% of his content, tools & strategies on social media.

The members area contains the other 99%. These are original & never-before seen classes, strategies and tools exclusively crafted for School of Mastery Members.

What currency is School of Mastery charged in?

All our prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD) 

If you're outside Australia, it may cost even less than you thought. 

$100 AUD = $64 USD approx.
$100 AUD = £51 GBP approx.
$100 AUD = 60 EUR approx.

You can also get 20% off when you pay annually.

What kind of support will I receive?

One of the best things about School of Mastery is our incredible community! 

Post a question on any topic, and you'll get high level replies from our advanced members. 

Lewis is in the group every day, and there's an active comment section under each module that he personally answers as well!

You'll also get a private line to Robyn, who will ensure your membership access, invoicing & billing runs flawlessly!

Will I be invited to your in-person events?

Yep! As a member, you'll be invited to all of our exclusive members-only events.
How 1 Email Changed Everything...
In late 2012 one of my students nearly ended his own life.

He was broke.

Lost his job,

And his girlfriend had just left him.

He felt like he had nothing left to live for.

At the time, I was selling a money course, that he purchased for $299.

For 2 months, he followed our course diligently, and did the work, but stayed very quiet in the group.

In fact, we didn't hear a peep from him until Feb 2013, when he sent me an email that changed my life.

"Thank you" was the subject line...

"Thank you for building this course. If I didn't buy this 2 months ago, I wouldn't be here today".

He went on to explain his situation (which I won't elaborate on here)

... But he explained that simply having:

      1) A goal
      2) A project to work on daily
      3) Something to look forward to in the future
      4) A network of others on the same path

Changed (or in his own words)... saved his life.

As I read the email, 

The hair on my arms and neck stood up. 

I was deeply moved & inspired...

But I was puzzled.


Because I was just selling a "make money online" course!

Honestly, it was shallow.

Back then we taught a selfish method to make a bunch of cash without providing any real value to society.

Sure, we expected students to make a few bucks, but we were not in the business of changing (much less saving) lives.

And yet,

Here I was, staring at an email that forced me to rethink everything I was doing, and why I was doing it.

That day, I finally realised...

"Making money" is what we all think we want.

It's a destination in the mind.

But the journey is what really matters.

How you get there, and who you become along the way... 

is the real game.

**This student hadn't even made a lot of money yet... 

but just the idea that his life now had purpose + an exciting journey ahead... literally saved his life.
"Getting rich is what we all want.
An inspiring journey is what we all need."
So I committed the #1 cardinal sin in marketing...

I stepped back from selling the "dream" of "making money"

And I started selling the whole journey instead.

In other words,

I started teaching:

Goal setting, finding your purpose, choosing a business model fit for purpose, overcoming your mental stuff, becoming a greater version of yourself, and providing more value to others.

Two things happened...

1) I made way less sales 📉
2) The success rate sky-rocketed 🚀

The results were actually wild.

Those who followed the protocol, to the letter, got a result.

I had inadvertently found a secret key to success... 

an "unorthodox" approach to making more money...

🔑 The secret key?

To focus on the journey instead of the destination.

As I said before,

That email in 2013 changed my life...

Because for 10 years now, I've known that my purpose is to compile the whole journey into...

One. complete. program.

A program to help people master every area of their lives.

A step-by-step process to:

      1) Find your purpose 🙏
      2) Conquer your mind 🧠
      3) Make money 💵
      4) Live well 🏝️

This is my life's work. This is my purpose.

This is School of Mastery.
With love & wisdom,
Lewis Mocker
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